Digital Kasur Podcast

If you are a business owner in District Kasur, lets talk and promote your business around the globe. 

Immerse yourself in a world of captivating conversations, thought-provoking interviews, and inspiring narratives. Our platform is dedicated to the "How-tos" in life and business. So, join us in exploring the keys to success, unraveling life's mysteries, and uncovering the strategies that drive business excellence.

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Meet the host

Ahmad Bin Shafi wears many hats—educationist, philanthropist, and activist. His passion for knowledge and community development is palpable in every episode of our podcast. As an educationist, he advocates for quality learning experiences, championing innovative teaching methods and teacher welfare. His warm and inviting demeanor makes listeners feel like they’re having a conversation with a close friend.

Beyond education, Ahmad’s philanthropic endeavors leave a lasting impact. From tree-planting initiatives to scholarships for underprivileged students, he embodies the spirit of giving back. As an activist, he fearlessly tackles critical issues, urging listeners to be informed and proactive. Whether you’re a business owner, a tech enthusiast, or simply curious, Ahmad Bin Shafi’s insights will inspire you to make a difference.


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Quis dictum cursus faucibus mattis dignisim. Pellentes que purus in sed sodales in mauris molestie. Eleifend estco sctetur interdum eu in auctor.

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Quis dictum cursus faucibus mattis dignisim. Pellentes que purus in sed sodales in mauris molestie. Eleifend estco sctetur interdum eu in auctor.

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